According to Eurostat statistics for 2018, over 15 million young people between the ages of 20 and 34 from the 28 EU member states are unemployed, not in education or training (NEET). In Italy and Greece, countries with the highest levels of youth unemployment, more than one quarter of young people are outside the labor market.
Provoked by this alarming trend, the "Workshop for Civic Initiatives" Foundation, together with partners from Ireland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Italy, and Portugal, developed an innovative holistic training program called the "Direction employment project". Our goal was to contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment, as well as to ensure the integration of young people from vulnerable groups into the labor market, by pursuing careers in one of the most competitive and rapidly developing industries, namely IT.
The training included three different professional IT directions - Digital Marketing, Programming and Software Development, and Software Testing for people between the ages of 17 and 29.
In the video, you will learn how the courses have supported vulnerable groups in each country, how many young people have been trained as part of the project, and how many of them have started working in the IT field.
For more information about the project:
The project is funded by the "Fund for Youth Employment" through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
#EEANorwayGrants, #YouthEmploymentMag, #FundforYouthEmployment #Directionemploymentproject #NEET #Opportunity #Employability
Implemented by:
Lai-momo Cooperativa Sociale
Polytechnic Institute of Porto
Ljudska Univerza Velenje
Lithuanian Gay League