Abieyuwa- Introduce yourself briefly.
My name is Abieyuwa, I come from Nigeria and I am 27 years old. I have been in Italy for 10 years and have worked mainly in the catering sector.

- Why did you decide to enroll in this course?
The operator of the shelter where I live recommended it to me and it seemed very interesting, also for finding a job. 

- Did the training content meet your expectations?  
Absolutely, yes. It was exactly what I was looking for.

- What did you like the most? 
The module on the use of the PC and its applications such as Excel and the module on anti-discrimination and workers' rights. I didn't know many things and it helped me to understand the many forms of discrimination that exist and how to spot them. Now I would know how to deal with some of the situations I have experienced in the past. If the same things happen again in my future jobs I will be ready to assert my rights.

- Is there anything you liked less? Nothing, all the parts were interesting.

- How would you rate the quality of the training?
Very good. I would suggest participation in this course to everyone, especially foreigners. All foreigners in Italy should do it (laughter).

- Did you face any challenges or difficulties during the training?
It was difficult to start with the technical parts dedicated to PC programs, but thanks to the teacher and his explanations I found no problems. He was good at making us understand them.

- Did you manage to find a job after the training and how did the training help you?
Not yet, but together with Francesco (Active Job Search Operator, Ed.) I sent many job applications and had a telephone interview to work in a restaurant.

- Do you think the course will help you find a job? Certainly, thanks to the revision of the CV and the type of research we did together I started to receive calls. I knew that my CV was not perfect, but I didn't know how to improve it.

- Do you have any suggestions to improve the training programme? I liked doing it online but in a classroom would have been better. Nevertheless, it worked well online too. It was easy to share the exercises with the teacher and the class.

- Has the course changed your idea of the Italian labour market? How?
It made me realise that if I don't get an answer to my job applications straight away I don't have to get angry or down. There are a lot of people looking for work and thanks to the meetings with recruiters from the agencies I know better their reasons and their way of working.

- Has the course changed the way you look for work? How? 
Yes, now for example I always send a covering letter which I didn't know I had to.

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