Direction Employment is an innovative holistic training program that enhances the employability of young people in competitive, high-technology industries including the IT sector. The project aims to unleash the potential of NEET young people by providing a local market needs-specific IT training program in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy, Slovenia, and Portugal.

In the video below you can learn how the project helps economic development by matching the needs of the industry and young people, including migrants living in the Veljene area in Slovenia,. The Slovenian partner of the project is Ljudska Univerza Velenje.    

The project is funded by the "Fund for Youth Employment" through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.

#EEANorwayGrants, #YouthEmploymentMag, #FundforYouthEmployment #Directionemploymentproject #NEET #Opportunity #employability

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